Heena Sidhu won the bronze medal for India in the 10m air pistol at the Asian Games 2018. The 27-year old shooter pulled off a stunning comeback after a poor start in the final to finish with a score of 219.2 to win the podium finish. The 16-year old Manu Bhaker had another disappointing day as she finished in the 5th position in the event. Earlier, Amit Kumar and Harjinder Singh failed to grab a medal in the 300m Standard Rifle Men. While Harjinder finished in the 4th position, Amit Kumar finished in the 5th position. In 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men Qualification rounds 1st stage, Anish scored 293 points while Shivam Shukla scored 289 points. They will now take part in the 2nd qualification stage. Catch Live score and updates of India Shooting event at the Asian Games 2018 Day 6.