Governor promulgates “The Jammu and Kashmir (Preventive Detention Laws) Ordinance, 2018”


Srinagar, May 22: Governor N. N. Vohra has promulgated: “The Jammu and Kashmir (Preventive Detention Laws) Ordinance, 2018”. The object of the Ordinance is to harmonise the procedure for the selection and appointment of Chairman and Members of the Advisory Board to be constituted under the J&K Public Safety Act, 1978; J&K Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act 1998; and J&K Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1988 and bring it broadly in line with the provisions of J&K Accountability Commission Act 2002 And J&K Consumer Protection Act 1997.

The Ordinance also further provides for the constitution of a Search-cum-Selection Committee of senior officers which would recommend persons for the selection and appointment to the positions of Chairman and other Members of the Advisory Boards constituted under the aforesaid legislations.

The Ordinance provides for consultation of the Chief Justice of the High Court in the case of selection and appointment only of a sitting judge of the High Court or sitting District and Sessions Judge as Chairman or Member(s) of the Advisory Board. It is expected that the enactment of this legislation shall provide a wider choice of retired eligible persons who could be considered for selection and appointment to the positions of Chairman and other Members of the Advisory Boards to be constituted under the aforesaid legislations.