Jammu and Kashmir Women’s Helpline(181) organises Awareness Camps at University of Kashmir


Jammu and Kashmir Women’s Helpline(181) organised Awareness Camps at University of Kashmir.

Srinagar Dec.15:According to the State coordinator of J&K WHS (181) Bilal Bhat, on its ongoing Campaign in Kashmir ,JK WHS (181) is a joint initiative by Union and State government to provide 24 hour-immediate response to women affected by violence and represent them in front of appropriate authorities which includes police and legal authorities.

He added even women in distress can also reach on the number(181) who would be provided with immediate psychosocial support which includes counseling.

Explaining the process, Bilal said depending on the nature of the call the appropriate action would be taken. He said if it is a stress related call, the person taking the call would try to do necessary counseling immediately so that the person in distress would be stopped from taking any wrong step. In case, it does not happen then the problem could be escalated to one stop centre for final resolution, he added.

Besides, Bilal said JK WHS (181) also provides hospital assistance and temporary shelter to the deserving affecters’ also.
The aim of organising this camp was to impart education to students,and faculty members regarding women rights and the role of One Stop Centre ( OSC ) in securing and promoting those rights. Women face physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, irrespective of age, class, caste, education status, marital status, race, and culture. We conveyed our message that these women will be facilitated with support and redressal at OSC. Aggrieved women facing any kind of violence due to attempted sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, honor-related crimes, acid attacks who have reached out or been referred to the OSC will be provided with services.
In India, gender-based violence has many manifestations; from the more universally prevalent forms of domestic and sexual violence including rape, to harmful practices such as, dowry, honor killings, acid attacks, witch – hunting, sexual harassment, child sexual abuse, trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation, child marriage, sex-selective abortion, sati etc. OSCs are the initiatives of the ministry of women and child development to tackle these evils prevailing in the society. OSC and women helpline i.e. 181 work in an integrated manner to ensure proper redressal of these ongoing forms of violence and harassment.