West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee took many by surprise after she posted a video of herself playing Badminton on her social media accounts. Draped in her signature white sari, and a green shawl, Mamata was seen engaged in a double’s match. With ease, Mamata rallies with her opponent without missing a point.
The Trinamool Congress chief, known for her passion in painting and writing poetry, demonstrated her skills in the sport. “We love sports. A token game in a village,” she wrote online while sharing the video. The post garnered a lot of attention, leaving many impressed with her game.
We love sports. A token game in a village…
Posted by Mamata Banerjee on Friday, January 4, 2019
The Chief Minister recently attended the Jangalmahal Cup the Rangamati Sports Festival in Birbhum district of the state.
Earlier, last year the CM also flaunted her accordion playing skills in Germany and the video went viral.