Implementation of Farmers’ Welfare Program in Poonch reviewed


POONCH, JUNE 06: Director Agriculture Jammu, Hari Krishan Razdan today reviewed the progress of the implementation of ongoing farmers’ welfare programmes and schemes in Poonch district here at a meeting of officers and field functionaries of the district.

Director Agriculture also reviewed the stock position of fertilizers and various Kharif Seeds including Maize, Paddy, Pulses and Vegetable.

The Director Agriculture stressed on the field functionaries to create mass awareness about various farmers’ welfare schemes and programmes and motivate the farmers to diversify their farming through apiculture, mushroom and vegetable cultivation with the use of latest agriculture technology. He directed the field staff to reach out to the farmers and make all out efforts to achieve the objective of doubling the farmers’ income by 2022 through the implementation of schemes like Soil Health Card Scheme, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFSBY), Kisan Credit Card Scheme (KCCS) and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY).

The Director also stressed on following the guidelines and norms and taking the local representatives into confidence while implementing various farmers’ welfare schemes.

Razdan advised the field functionaries to prepare the feasibility reports for the installation of Bore Wells, Water Harvesting Structures and Sprinkler/Drip Irrigation, Sets as per field conditions for judicious use of water. It was apprised that the detailed project report for promotion of local specialty crops like Rajmash, Garlic etc have already been submitted for the approval.

The requirement of machinery, agriculture implements and recovery position were also discussed at the meeting.

The meeting was attended by Chief Agriculture Officer, Poonch, Anoop Gupta, District Agriculture Officer (Extension), Inderjeet Singh, ASCO, Shashi Kant Sharma, Assistant Soil Chemist, Mahesh Verma, SMS-DL Praveen Tickoo, SDAO, Poonch Rafiq Sudan, SDAO, Surankote Inderjit Singh, SDAO Mendhar Mohammad Rashid and other officers and field functionaries.