ADDC Ganderbal reviews implementation of NRDWP in District


ADDC Ganderbal reviews implementation of NRDWP in District

GANDERBAL, JUNE 12:  Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC) Ganderbal, Shafqat Iqbal  chaired a meeting of District Water and Sanitation Mission (DWSM) Committee to  review the implementation of National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) in the district here today.

Threadbare discussion was held on the functions and responsibilities of the DWSM Committee towards implementation of NRDWP and total sanitation in rural areas.

On the occasion, ADDC stressed upon the Executive Engineer of PHE to speed up the pace of execution of schemes so that the benefits percolate down to the population instantly. He also emphasized upon the need for protecting and proper management of the existing water schemes and sanitation.

He also emphasized upon the need for mobilizing Testing Labs and conduct water quality tests in the labs on a massive scale by utilizing the services of staff sanctioned under the scheme so that the safe drinking water would be provided to the people of the district.

The meeting also discussed the constitution of Village Water and Sanitation Committee to enable the PRIs especially at the village level to plan, implement, manage, operate and maintain safe drinking water to all throughout the year on a sustainable basis.

ADDC stressed that a multi-prolonged approach should be adopted to ensure coverage of all rural habitations with access to safe driving water and to address the problem of water quality in the affected habitations.

He urged for engaging institutions for imparting training for capacity development of all stakeholders and undertaking communication campaign, besides coordination of matters related to water and sanitation between district representatives like Health, Education, Rural Development to converge the NRDWP with other National Programmes such as NRHM, SSA, ICDS, Total Sanitation Mission etc.

The meeting was attended by CPO, SE Hydraulic, DPO, CEO, ExEN, PHE and other concerned officers.