Residents on warpath against demolition notices

Residents of CHB flats hold a protest in Sector 41, Chandigarh

Chandigarh, July 7: Residents of MIG duplex houses, Sector 41-A, here have started a chain hunger strike under the banner of the Chandigarh Housing Board Residents Welfare Federation against demolition notices served on them for making need-based changes. They said they were forced to go on a hunger strike as they feared demolition of the need-based changes made by them. The changes, they said, had been made over a period of 30 years following a number of notifications issued by the CHB from time to time.

Kirpal Singh, president of the federation, said since a policy had been framed in February this year, which was not in line with the earlier notifications issued by the CHB, the need-based changes had been termed a violation by the board.

The residents are demanding one-time settlement for the regularisation of the need-based changes made within the plot area on the pattern of the general amnesty scheme of the Delhi MC, provided to owners of DDA flats in the Capital.

Rajat Malhotra, a resident of the area, said all residents had raised their voice against the demolition orders. The board had found violations in 637 flats. Sources said violations had been found in the form of additional construction in flats, resulting in a threat to the structures. Vijay, another resident, said the CHB must allow one-time relaxation.