Directorate of Education Jammu holds divisional level “Model Exhibition cum Competition”, Girls High School Simbal lifts trophy

Govt. Girls High School Ghagwal and Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School Muthi lock in a tie, Govt. Higher Secondary School Canal Road win 3rd position


JAMMU: Department of School Education, Jammu, today organised a ‘Model Exhibition cum Competition’ under the national flagship programme ‘ JAL SHAKTI ABHIYAN’ , at Teachers Bhawan, Gandhi Nagar Jammu, in response to Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s clarion call to citizens to join hands for water conservation and create Jan -Andolan along the lines of Swachh Bharat Mission to save water and secure the future of India.

Students from various schools across the Jammu division participated in the exhibition cum competition which required them to prepare models on water conservation and other themes related to the conservation of water bodies and water resources.

The event, organised on the directions of Ms. Anuradha Gupta, ( Director, School Education Jammu) was part of a calendar of activities formulated by the DSEJ to encourage the participation of students across the Jammu division. Implementing the calendar of activities, the directorate has organised a series of events which includes rallies, slogan writing competitions, seminars, exhibitions etc starting at district level and culminating as division level initiatives and competitions creating awareness amongst students as well as the general public at large. A skit competition will be held on 16th of September, 2019 in which the winners of district level skit competition , held on 31st of August, will participate.

In today’s event, Govt. Girls High School Simbal Camp team outperformed rest of the schools and lifted the champion’s trophy in the Model Exhibition and Comptition while there was a tie for the second place between Govt. Girls High School Ghagwal and Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School Muthi. The much earned 3rd place went to Govt. Higher Secondary School Canal Road.

Mr. Muhammad Latief, Joint Director( DSEJ) amongst other officers, graced the occasion by his presence and interacted with the students encouraging them towards shouldering the responsibility of the nation and a better tomorrow.

Ms. Mamta Sharma, Deputy Director (Planning) distributed the trophies to the winning students urging them to keep moving from one challenge to another, conquering one hurdle after another.