JMC launches drive against illegal advertisement displays


JMC launches drive against illegal advertisement displays

JAMMU, MAY 14: On the instructions of Commissioner, Jammu Municipal Corporation, Avny Lavasa and under the supervision of   Joint Commissioner (A) Ashish Kumar Gupta, the field staff led by Tinna Mahajan, Secretary launched a drive vigorously against the advertisement displayed illegally in the different areas falling within the limits of Jammu Municipal Corporation.

In the last few days the drive has been conducted in various areas of Jammu city i.e. Bantalab, Barnai, Roop Nagar, Dogra Hall, New Plot, Kacchi Chawani, Panjtirthi, Parade, Exchange road, Residency Road, Rehari Colony, Amphalla, Akhnoor road, Talab Tillo, Bohri, Paloura, Bakshi Nagar, Nanak Nagar, Gandhi Nagar and Jewel area. However, 1380 illegal hoarding and in total 15 tipper (407) of advertisement material was lifted from these areas and the drive is still continuing on daily basis.

The installation of such illegal hoardings, signboards, posters, banners & bill boards deface the property, buildings and walls of the city and are also constant threat to pedestrians and traffic safety. As per the advertisement, “Whenever any advertisement is displayed in contravention of section 116 of the J&K Municipal Act 2000, the same is actionable as per provisions of section 119 and 384 of the J&K Municipal Act 2000 with fine which may extent to Rs. 5000/- and with a further fine which may extend to Rs. 1000/- for every day during which the offence continues.”

The Jammu Municipal Corporation appeals to the general public to remove all such hoardings, sign boards, posters, banners, bill boards & pole kiosks installed illegally failing which action will be initiated against the offenders and further contravention of the same shall attract penalty against such defaulters.