DSEJ in collaboration with Bharti foundation organized online training programme on study skills for teacher counsellors.


DSEJ in collaboration with Bharti foundation organized online training programme on study skills for teacher counsellors.

On the directions of Director School Education Jammu, Ms. Anuradha Gupta, Bharti foundation in collaboration with Counselling cell DSEJ organised series of webinars for resource persons working in the Counseling cells constituted at high and higher secondary schools of District Jammu.The training focused on four study skill modules (Goal Setting, Time Management, Procrastination and Stress Management). The training programme was effectively conducted by resource persons from bharti foundation. Relevant motivational videos, online polls, chat box interactions, inspirational stories, poems, made the sessions very engaging and effective. Online Pre and post assessments were also conducted during the online sessions for impact assessment.

In this workshop, approximately 320 teacher/master/lecturer of District Jammu two from each High and higher secondary schools participated. Training program through virtual platform on the above mentioned modules was conducted by the trainers who wove the spellbound sessions and never let the participants move away for a second. These trained resource person will equip the student community with the necessary study skills.

While addressing the trainees Director School Education Jammu, Ms. Anuradha Gupta opined that equipping students with these life skills is as important as imparting academic inputs. She impressed upon the teachers to take this programme seriously and pass on the necessary skills learnt to the needy students. She added that the same sessions will be replicated in the entire Jammu division. She expressed her gratitude towards the Bharti foundation for giving such professional training to teachers.

Romesh Kumar Sharma Head counselling cell while interacting with the participants reiterated the vision of counselling cell DSEJ to work on developing teacher counsellor model in schools whereby teachers possessing requisite aptitude will be trained on counselling skills so that they become effective helpers besides being good teachers.

All the participants expressed satisfaction with the content and transaction method of the programme and thanked Directorate of school education Jammu and Bharti foundation for providing such opportunity.