J&K Government making all efforts to ensure safety of Healthcare professionals

Sufficient stock of PPEs and other COVID supplies available


J&K Government making all efforts to ensure safety of Healthcare professionals

Sufficient stock of PPEs and other COVID supplies available

JAMMU, MAY 18: Government of J&K Monday said that they are taking all efforts to ensure safety of the healthcare professionals dealing with the corona pandemic and sufficient stock of Personal Protection Equipments (PPEs) is available with the health department.

It said that it has been regularly issuing guidelines and ensuring its implementation for use of Personal Protection Equipments (PPEs) by the Healthcare Professionals, while dealing with the COVID suspects / patients so that healthcare professionals do not get cross infected from them. The detailed guidelines for rational use of PPEs issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India and guidelines prepared by the Administration of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, are being regularly shared with the Healthcare professionals through print and electronic media, social network sites, where it has been clearly mentioned that how and where to use PPEs by the healthcare professionals in different healthcare institutions, while treating the COVID patients / suspects, taking samples or testing of the samples.

The healthcare professionals are also being regularly trained through video conferencing, webinar, Zoom app, etc. regarding the use of PPEs and their protection from the COVID infection. Most of the doctors and other healthcare professionals have been trained in using PPE kits while dealing with COVID positive patients.

Union Territory of J&K is ensuring that all the supplies required for the personal protection of healthcare professionals are not only provided to each and every healthcare institution, but sufficient stocks are also maintained, so as to ensure that there is no shortage of supplies like PPEs, N-95 marks, Triple Layer Masks, Sanitizers, etc. All efforts are being made to ensure the safety of Healthcare professionals while taking the samples of the persons who are entering the UT of J&K, from other States.

At present the stock of 83,110 PPE kits, 94,221 N-95 masks, 9,79,168 Triple layer masks, 1,87,360 Sanitizers and 1,31,975 Viral Transport Media (VTM) are available for use in Health and Medical Education Department, J&K.