Bhaderwah Campus Organized Webinar on Career Guidance


Bhaderwah March 20 : In the current scenario when whole world is in process of moving towards the new normal and trying to adapt and cope up with the current situation. The Business School Bhaderwah Campus organized a webinar on career guidance: a perspective from campus to corporate for the students aspiring to seek jobs in corporate world. The focus of the webinar was to impart career planning and guidance towards choosing a successful academic career.
Professor Rahul Gupta, Rector Bhaderwah Campus and Patron of the webinar delivered the presidential address. In his remarks he urged students to choose their career very wisely as it acts as a roadmap for building the future. He also congratulated the faculty of The Business School, Bhaderwah Campus for very aptly choosing the theme of webinar and helping students in choosing a career having bright future.
Dr. Rohit Bhagat, Placement Coordinator, The Business School, Bhaderwah Campus and Convener of the webinar formally welcomed the Guests and Key Resource person of the webinar. He also introduced the theme of webinar to the participants. Further he stressed upon the participants to carefully choose opportunities available in order to live a satisfied and successful life. He also added that Master’s of Business Management is a one such field which has high demand both in private and public sector.
Professor Vinay Chauhan, Dean Placements and OSD to Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu was the key resource person of the webinar. He urged the students to have self-evaluation and then decide about having a career option. He encouraged the participants to have faith in themselves and have hunger to learn in order to achieve the goals. He further urged that students instead of dreaming for success need to work for it. He emphasized on the concept of self branding which require persistence hardwork in the right direction to achieve ones career goals. The session was concluded with a healthy interactive session in which he solved the queries of the students regarding how to choose a profession with which he/she is satisfied.
The workshop was attended by all the faculty members of The Business School, Bhaderwah Campus including Mr. Mohammad Avais, Dr. Atif Qazi, Mr. Zaffer Hussain, Ms. Aishiya Gupta, Mr. Amit, Ms. Meenakshi and Ms. Soniya. More than two hundred participants across the country and students from different colleges of Jammu and Kashmir attended the webinar and got benefitted.
At the end, Dr Sunil Bhardwaj, Head of Department, The Business School, Bhaderwah Campus and Co-Convener of the workshop delivered a formal vote of thanks. He assured that The Business School Bhaderwah Campus would continue working for the holistic development of the students. He added that we always follow a proactive approach to remain dynamic, effective and relevant in the current business world.