GMS Patyari Zone Lakhanpur Holds Engaging Discussion Session to Promote Road Safety Awareness among Students


In a commendable effort to promote road safety and instill responsible behavior among young students, GMS Patyari organized a highly engaging discussion session with its students. The event aimed to create awareness about the importance of following simple traffic rules, ensuring the safety not only of the students themselves but also of their fellow pedestrians.

The discussion session, held at GMS Patyari in Zone Lakhanpur, served as an excellent opportunity for students to gain valuable insights into the significance of adhering to road safety regulations. Attended by enthusiastic participants, the event provided a platform for fruitful discussions that helped students understand the consequences of neglecting traffic rules.

The session commenced with a welcome address by Mrs. Romi Rani, Headmistress GMS Patyari, who highlighted the alarming rise in road accidents involving young individuals and stressed the importance of cultivating responsible road behaviors at an early age.
Mrs. Romi Rani, HOI of thr school emphasized, “Education extends beyond textbooks, and it is our responsibility to equip our students with the knowledge and skills required to become responsible citizens. Through this discussion session, we aim to nurture a culture of road safety among our students and encourage them to become ambassadors of responsible behavior on the road.”

The interactive session saw students actively participating and sharing their experiences and concerns related to road safety. The discussion revolved around various topics, including the importance of using pedestrian crossings, waiting for the green signal at traffic lights, wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle or a two-wheeler, and never crossing the road without looking both ways.

One student expressed her thoughts, saying, “I never realized the potential dangers of crossing the road without using pedestrian crossings. This discussion has made me realize the importance of following traffic rules for the sake of my own safety and that of others.”

The event featured a mentor teacher, who shared valuable insights and practical tips on road safety. His interactive presentation captivated the audience, enabling them to grasp the consequences of disregarding traffic regulations.

Mrs.Romi Rani, HOI of the school encouraged the students, stating, “Remember, when you prioritize road safety, you not only protect yourselves but also contribute to creating safer road environments for everyone. Every small action counts.”

To further equip the students, informative pamphlets, visual charts, and safety brochures were distributed among them. The materials served as valuable references, reinforcing the message of road safety long after the discussion session concluded.

In conclusion, GMS Patyari’s initiative to conduct a discussion session on road safety rules proved to be both engaging and informative. By promoting awareness and understanding among students, the school aims to foster responsible road behavior and ensure the safety of all road users. Initiatives like these pave the way for a brighter, safer future, empowering students to become champions of road safety.

As one student aptly remarked, “This discussion session has opened my eyes to the importance of road safety. From now on, I will make sure to follow all the traffic rules and encourage others to do the same.”

By undertaking such proactive measures, GMS Patyari exemplifies its commitment to shaping responsible and safety-conscious young leaders.